Tuesday, January 18, 2011

01-18 Trades

HTZ short @ 14.22
IOC short @ 76.46

These recommendations were established at 12:57 pm or thereabouts PST.


  1. AMR 1/18/2011 8.39
    COCO 1/18/2011 5.03
    IOC 1/18/2011 75.75
    MEE 1/18/2011 55.79
    MTG 1/18/2011 11.32

    This list is not fully believable as it was not possible to update the quotes in AmiBroker using Yahoo EndOfDay quote service today. This list is supposed to be a superset of the recommendations, but is missing HTZ, for example. Also, IOC close price is way off from what is seen using broker site.

  2. At 7:40 when the market was checked, following were found:

    price 13.92 74.75
    low 13.90 74.57

    So, these translate to the following profit metrics:

    profit 2.11% 2.24%
    max profit 2.25% 2.47%

    So, a 2% limit order set up at the time of entry would have succeeded and locked in the profit.

    2% limit 13.93 74.90

    IOC crashed later in the day to a minimum of 69.29 so a potential additional profit of 6.67% was available in day trading mode.
